Where are you proposing to implement the 40km/h speed limit?

    Please see the map in the documents section of this webpage, which outlines the area where the 40km/h speed zone will take place.

    Why are we proposing the speed limit change?

    Speed is a major factor in the severity of a crash involving a pedestrian and a car. If a driver hits a pedestrian while travelling at 50km/h, the risk of fatality to the pedestrian is doubled compared to what it would be if the driver had been travelling at 40km/h.

    The faster you drive, the further you travel before you stop – and the harder you hit.

    What are the benefits of the 40km/h speed limit on the local roads in this area?

    The key benefits of the 40km/h speed zone are:

    • Improved safety outcomes for road users, including pedestrians and cyclists; and
    • Calmer traffic within local streets.

    Why is Town of Walkerville only consulting on part of Vale Park in this survey?

    Council has already consulted with the community, through the Transport Strategy Survey in early 2023, about 40km/h speed zones for three different eligible precincts within the Township, including:

    • Medindie – bounded by Main North Road, Nottage Terrace, Northcote Terrace and Robe Terrace
    • Gilberton – bounded by Park Road, Northcote Terrace, Stephen Terrace and the River Torrens
    • Walkerville and part of Vale Park – bounded by Stephen Terrace, North East Road, Ascot Avenue and the River Torrens

    40km/h speed zones can only be placed in suburbs that are bounded by Department of Infrastructure main roads.

    Since Vale Park is split by a main road – Ascot Avenue – it prevents Council from extending a 40km/h speed zone to the northeast part of Vale Park.

    Council has partnered with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield (PAE) to investigate 40km/h for the northeast area of Vale Park, which is next to the neighbouring suburb of Klemzig (part of PAE Council area).

    What are the other impacts?

    Council will install additional signage to indicate the start and end of the speed zone. An example of the types of signs that you will see are shown to the right. You may have already seen some of these in your neighbouring suburbs.

    How can residents stay up to date with this project?

    To stay up to date with this project, make sure to check in on the Your Say Walkerville website at yoursay.walkerville.sa.gov.au.