Why is it important I register?

    It is important that you register as this provides you with full access to all projects on the site, whilst providing us with surety about who is online and their connection to the Town of Walkerville. 

    By creating an account, you will not have to resubmit the same data (i.e. name, suburb, etc.) each time you wish to provide feedback as this will be saved to your profile, which you can edit at any point.

    Knowing a little more about who you are and how you use the Township will ensure we get a higher quality of data to go along with your feedback. The data will help us determine, for example, if residents have different feedback to businesses or visitors. It will also help us to target feedback from specific groups (e.g. age, suburb) and in-turn will provide a richer and more valuable response to help Council make decisions.

    In addition, it enables us to check for duplicate responses to ensure that not one individual overly influences the outcomes of our engagement opportunities.

    Who can register for Your Say Walkerville?

    Anyone can register for Your Say Walkerville. Whether you live work, play, or study in the Town of Walkerville or are simply interested in local issues and upcoming developments, we are ready to hear from you.

    How do I submit my feedback?

    Your feedback can be submitted via the online forums, quick polls and surveys relevant to each of the projects currently open for consultation. To participate simply register on Your Say Walkerville.

    What happens to my feedback / comments?

    All comments, ideas and suggestions are collated and used by Council staff to inform the development of strategies, programs, activities and designs, or to gain an insight into community views and opinions.

    When each consultation closes, all contributions are compiled into a report, which will be presented to Council when considering the particular matter.

    All feedback provided during consultation will be considered, however this does not mean that every suggestion can be taken on board and adopted as proposed.

    All submissions will be considered in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement and Consultation Policy.

    Is there another way that I can provide feedback on consultations?

    Yes, our Civic and Community Centre has hardcopy consultation packs available for you to provide feedback. These packs contain the same information and similar feedback tools as available on this website.

    How is the site moderated?

    Your Say Walkerville is hosted and moderated by an external independent organisation, Bang the Table. 

    All moderation is carried out by Bang the Table and is independent of the Town of Walkerville. The moderators do not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off topic, offensive or malicious, in which case they are removed from the site immediately. Refer to the Moderation Guidelines.

    Is my privacy protected?

    Yes! Your privacy is absolutely protected and Council will only use your email to contact you with updates. Your email address will not be distributed to any third party or used for any other purposes. For more information, read the Privacy Policy.